OSRA: Optical Structure Recognition

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Powered by OSRA 2.1.4.
For the most recent version of OSRA visit https://sourceforge.net/projects/osra/ .

How to use:

  • Select the file you want to process and click the "Submit" button. Any of the over 90 image formats recognized by ImageMagick including GIF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, PS and TIFF can be processed.
  • You can correct recognized structures using the JSME Molecular Editor.
  • Preview the 3D structure if necessary. Note - the generated 3D image is for demonstration purposes only, e.g. to help disambiguate bridge bonds etc. OSRA only generates the connection table, not the 3D coordinates.
  • Click on the "Get SMILES" button to obtain the SMILES of the structure. You can then use the provided live links to convert SMILES to other chemical formats or to locate the structure in our Chemical Structure Lookup Service. The "Get SD File" button will be active only after you have checked/edited all the structures recognized in the document. Use it to download an SD file containing all the recognized structures.

Note: The possibility of submitting a URL directly has been removed due to security mandates. Just download the picture in question to your computer first, and then submit that file to OSRA.

You can download the source code or windows/mac executables here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/osra/
Total Structures: